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Build their Dialogue Power Around 90 Verbs

Photo du rédacteur: Denis BoisclairDenis Boisclair

Dernière mise à jour : 10 mars 2023

Imagine how great it would be creating an English universe around our ESL beginners simply by using 90 verbs and a how to make a question tool. Discover how handy it is to learn verbs, question words, modals and pronouns. using a simple tool.

The wheel of Questions in English is built to help you learn how to make questions. Using one verb, the wheel allows you to make hundreds of questions. Imagine what we can build with 90 of them.

These verbs are also presented under different forms. ''Envoyer'' from the French dictionary help a French speaking ESL student to translate this verb in its infinitive form (send), its progressive form (sending) and its past participle form as sent. The wheel has also the past version as sent, not used to make a question, but to answer it.

From the same wheel, you can learn seven different modals and auxiliaries such as am, is, are, was, were to be completed by do, does, did will. The different pronouns contribute to complete the making of those fabulous questions.

The way, the wheel works is to use the different rings to align them to succeed in making a question. The question starts with a question word as well as a modal. The logic is that questions start from outside to the inside of the wheel The verb being at the end could be placed in the middle of the circle. The student understands that all questions have the same word order.

The English grammar logic is to place do as an auxiliary to make a question. It has the same pattern as using a modal like can. The wheel of questions in English could be built suggesting the same pattern. In French, Do you eat? is phrased Manges-tu (Eat you?) which is not the same pattern of the: Peux-tu manger? (Can you eat?) Can you eat? and Do you eat? have the same pattern, but not in French with Manges-tu? Peux-tu manger? The words order is different. It is what French natives speakers have to understand. English is easy because it uses the same order in words when making a question.

For a student, not knowing about the whole picture, maintains him to build different questions without knowing the similarities between them

For a learner, visualizing the Wheel of Questions in English suggesting the same pattern among all the questions is a wonderful idea. It's simply easy.

The student will be able to perform in many situations. He wants to ask to another person if he should bring his skates to school. He will clear up his mind, simply by looking on the modals and auxiliaries ring. He must choose only one of them. He will also look at the pronouns ring to choose I. Should I bring my skates? If he didn't know the verb bring, he could find it by looking at the verb bank on the back of the wheel (apporter = bring). If he wants to ask Will you bring yours? He will simply look to the same rings to change the words using will instead of should and you replacing I.

Built for French speaking esl learners, Only the use of question manipulation is already a great value for any esl learners from different native languages.

Checking how the wheel works is much easier looking at a video.

Try one and manipulate it. You will be pleased. Pleased enough to get one to each one of your esl students.

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